Descifrando cómo Dynamix® activa
naturalmente la expresión génica
de tus cultivos en menos de 2 horas

¿Qué supone Genergy™ para tus cultivos? El programa Genergy™ es el resultado de muchos años de investigaciones que descifran el Modo de Acción de Dynamix® en los cultivos. Este programa, apoyado por una extensa investigación genética, ha sustentado las solicitudes de patente, validando así la singularidad de la innovación.

Se ha demostrado que nuestras biosoluciones ayudan a maximizar el potencial genético de los cultivos, haciendo que sean más eficientes y mejorando los parámetros de calidad y producción para los agricultores.

¿Cómo? Dynamix® activa el aumento de la expresión de los genes claves de tus cultivos con significación estadística en menos de 2 horas y mejora, de forma estable y duradera, las rutas fisiológicas críticas en el desarrollo de la planta.

del agua y los nutrientes
Mejora parámetros
de calidad
Estrés Abiótico
Eficacia frente al estrés hídrico o sequía Antes del estrés: potencia la resiliencia Después del estrés: mejora la recuperación VOLVER Maximiza la asimilación de nutrientes Potencia los parámetros de calidad y producción Mejora la absorción del agua disponible VOLVER Aumento de frutos de primera categoría Mejora el calibre de la fruta Mejora de la vida post cosecha VOLVER

Modo de acción de Dynamix®

ARNm -> ADN (transcripción)

Dynamix® aumenta el número de transcritos por gen

ARNm -> Proteína (traducción)

Dynamix® aumenta la expresión génica en menos de 2 horas
AlgaEnergy solutions’ Mode of Action


increases the number
of transcripts per gene


Up-regulates the genes
in less than 2 hours
Click Here
AlgaEnergy solutions’ Mode of Action


increases the number
of transcripts per gene


Up-regulates the genes
in less than 2 hours
AlgaEnergy solutions’ Mode of Action
AlgaEnergy solutions’ Mode of Action


increases the number
of transcripts per gene


Up-regulates the genes
in less than 2 hours
Plant benefits
Improve roots anchoring Higher stress
Enhance water efficiency and nutrient uptake Greater vigor and photosynthetic capacity
AlgaEnergy solutions’ Mode of Action


increases the number
of transcripts per gene


Up-regulates the genes
in less than 2 hours
Enhance water efficiency and nutrient uptake Higher stress
Greater vigor and photosynthetic capacity Improve roots anchoring PLANT BENEFITS

Lleva una copia de la guía (sección de ADN) o una parte de la guía, para que la maquinaria celular pueda dar instrucciones sobre cómo hacer proteínas que conduzcan a una característica o función particular.

Es un proceso desencadenado por una señal (interna o externa) que ocurre dentro de una célula, lo que resulta en un aumento de las expresiones de uno o más genes y, como resultado, las proteínas codificadas por esos genes.

La expresión géntica de las plantas depende de una multitud de factores. Se regula durante el desarrollo de la planta, y cambia en respuesta a factores ambientales, y estrés biótico o abiótico. Se mide por cambios en la acumulación de ARNm.
¿Los conoces? Es el proceso para copiar la secuencia de ADN (código para una proteína específica) dando lugar a una característica o función particular para producir ARNm y representa la primera etapa de la expresión génica.

Tanscripciones: La molécula de ARNm que fue sintetizada.

Describe los cambios funcionales o anatómicos, a nivel celular, resultados de la exposición de un organismo vivo a una sustancia.

Es el código genético (instrucciones) de cómo se desarrollará, crecerá y se reproducirá una planta. La sección de ADN (gen) detalla instrucciones específicas – al igual que una receta de libro de cocina – para hacer proteínas, etc.
Did you know?
It’s the genetic code (instructions) for how a plant will develop, grow and reproduce. The section of DNA (gene) spells out specific instructions – much like a cookbook recipe –
for making proteins, etc.
Did you know? DNA: It’s the genetic code (instructions) for how a plant will develop, grow and reproduce. The section of DNA (gene) spells out specific instructions – much like a cookbook recipe –
for making proteins, etc.
mRNA: It carries a copy of the playbook (section of DNA) or a portion of the playbook, tocell machinery so that it can give instructions on how to make specific proteins that lead toa particular characteristic or function. Transcription: It’s the process for copying the DNA sequence (code for a specific protein
leading to a particular characteristic or function) to produce mRNA and represents the firststage of gene expression.

Transcripts: The mRNA molecule that was synthesized.
Mode of Action: describes functional or anatomical changes, at the cellular level, resultingfrom the exposure of a living organism to a substance. Gene Expression: Plant gene expression is dependent upon a multitude of factors. It is regulated during plant development, and it changes in response to environmental factors, and abiotic or biotic stresses. It is measured by changes in mRNA accumulation. Upregulation: Upregulation is a process that occurs within a cell triggered by a signal (originating internal or external to the cell), which results in increased expression of one ormore genes and as a result the proteins encoded by those genes.
Did you know? DNA: It’s the genetic code (instructions) for how a plant will develop, grow and reproduce. The section of DNA (gene) spells out specific instructions – much like a cookbook recipe –
for making proteins, etc.
mRNA: It carries a copy of the playbook (section of DNA) or a portion of the playbook, tocell machinery so that it can give instructions on how to make specific proteins that lead toa particular characteristic or function. Transcription: It’s the process for copying the DNA sequence (code for a specific protein
leading to a particular characteristic or function) to produce mRNA and represents the firststage of gene expression.
Transcripts: The mRNA molecule that was synthesized. Mode of Action: describes functional or anatomical changes, at the cellular level, resultingfrom the exposure of a living organism to a substance. Gene Expression: Plant gene expression is dependent upon a multitude of factors. It is regulated during plant development, and it changes in response to environmental factors, and abiotic or biotic stresses. It is measured by changes in mRNA accumulation. Upregulation: Upregulation is a process that occurs within a cell triggered by a signal (originating internal or external to the cell), which results in increased expression of one ormore genes and as a result the proteins encoded by those genes.
Did you know? DNA: It’s the genetic code (instructions) for how a plant will develop, grow and reproduce.
The section of DNA (gene) spells out specific instructions – much like a cookbook recipe –
for making proteins, etc.
mRNA: It carries a copy of the playbook (section of DNA) or a portion of the playbook, tocell machinery so that it can give instructions on how to make specific proteins that lead toa particular characteristic or function. Transcription: It’s the process for copying the DNA sequence (code for a specific protein
leading to a particular characteristic or function) to produce mRNA and represents the firststage of gene expression.
Transcripts: The mRNA molecule that was synthesized. Mode of Action: describes functional or anatomical changes, at the cellular level, resultingfrom the exposure of a living organism to a substance. Gene Expression: Plant gene expression is dependent upon a multitude of factors. It is regulated during plant development, and it changes in response to environmental factors, and abiotic or biotic stresses. It is measured by changes in mRNA accumulation. Upregulation: Upregulation is a process that occurs within a cell triggered by a signal (originating internal or external to the cell), which results in increased expression of one ormore genes and as a result the proteins encoded by those genes.
Did you know? DNA: It’s the genetic code (instructions) for how a plant will develop, grow and reproduce.
The section of DNA (gene) spells out specific instructions – much like a cookbook recipe –
for making proteins, etc.
mRNA: It carries a copy of the playbook (section of DNA) or a portion of the playbook, tocell machinery so that it can give instructions on how to make specific proteins that lead toa particular characteristic or function. Transcription: It’s the process for copying the DNA sequence (code for a specific protein
leading to a particular characteristic or function) to produce mRNA and represents the firststage of gene expression.
Transcripts: The mRNA molecule that was synthesized. Upregulation: Upregulation is a process that occurs within a cell triggered by a signal
(originating internal or external to the cell), which results in increased expression of one ormore genes and as a result the proteins encoded by those genes.
Mode of Action: describes functional or anatomical changes, at the cellular level, resultingfrom the exposure of a living organism to a substance. Gene Expression: Plant gene expression is dependent upon a multitude of factors. It is regulated during plant development, and it changes in response to environmental factors, and abiotic or biotic stresses. It is measured by changes in mRNA accumulation.
Did you know?
It’s the genetic code (instructions) for how a plant will develop, grow and reproduce. The section of DNA (gene) spells out specific instructions – much like a cookbook recipe –
for making proteins, etc.

Beneficios para las plantas Mejora el anclaje de la raíz y la asimilación de nutrientes Aumenta la
al estrés
Mejora la eficiencia
en el uso del agua y
de los nutrientes
Mayor vigor y capacidad fotosintética
Plant benefits
Improve roots anchoring Higher stress
Enhance water efficiency and nutrient uptake Greater vigor and photosynthetic capacity Click Here
Plant benefits
Improve roots anchoring Higher stress
Enhance water efficiency and nutrient uptake Greater vigor and photosynthetic capacity
AlgaEnergy solutions’
Mode of Action


increases the number
of transcripts per gene


Up-regulates the genes
in less than 2 hours
AlgaEnergy solutions’ Mode of Action


increases the number
of transcripts per gene


Up-regulates the genes
in less than 2 hours
Enhance water efficiency and nutrient uptake Higher stress
Greater vigor and photosynthetic capacity Improve roots anchoring PLANT BENEFITS

Genergy™ descifra cómo Dymanix® mejora la eficiencia de tus cultivos al maximizar su potencial genético. Investigación realizada en colaboración con la Universidad de Sevilla (España) & AgriBio en Universidad de Latrobe (Australia). Aumento de la expresión génica con significación estadística
Rápida activación de las rutas fisiológicas clave Acción estable
y duradera
Protección frente al estrés abiótico -
Cosechas más rentables