Daichi Gold™

Daichi GoldTM is a Plant based components which helps in enhancing the soil fertility. Itis formulated through Patented Technology and proprietary UPT® process that results in very stable product with long shelf life. On application it promotes a highly productive ecosystem in the soil and enhances crop growth and productivity.
The different bioavailable composition shows multiple of action in the soil. It increases increasing the population of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, improve the soil health which helpsto promotes the development of roots & shoots and stimulates the cell division, improves the crop yield.


The components present in Daichi GoldTM helps to decompose organic waste in the soil hence increases the organic content many folds. This make soil healthy and fulfil all parameters of a healthy soil by multiple mode of action.

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Time of application:

Transplanted Crops: 5-45 DAT
Direct Sown crops: 0-60 DAS

Method of application:

Broadcasting, Soil drenching, Drip Irrigation

Sku Available:

100ml, 250ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr

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