AlgaEnergy 微細藻類製品の有機JAS資材登録取得
スペインに本社を置く微細藻類バイオテクノロジーの世界的リーダーであるAlgaEnergy S.A の日本子会社AlgaEnergy Japan株式会社は、微細藻類製品(商品名「パナケア™MA Organic」)が有機JAS規格別表1に適合する資材として2021年12月28日付けで登録されたと発表しました。
スペインに本社を置く微細藻類バイオテクノロジーの世界的リーダーであるAlgaEnergy S.A の日本子会社AlgaEnergy Japan株式会社は、微細藻類製品(商品名「パナケア™MA Organic」)が有機JAS規格別表1に適合する資材として2021年12月28日付けで登録されたと発表しました。
スペインに本社を置く微細藻類バイオテクノロジーの世界的リーダーであるAlgaEnergy S.A の日本子会社AlgaEnergy Japan株式会社は、国内の製品流通に関して同市場にて確固たる地位と全国的ネットワークを持つ、株式会社ハイポネックスジャパン
AlgaEnergy, the Spain-based global leader in microalgae biotechnology with business units in Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Asia-Pacific, is the first microalgae-biotechnology company in the world to become a B Corporation (B Corp). AlgaEnergy joins a community of over 3,800 businesses globally that are B Corps. Other global brands that are B Corps
Debabrata Sarkar, chairman and managing director of MicroAlgae Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. (MASI), AlgaEnergy’s wholly owned subsidiary in India, was named Business Leader of the Year at today’s 19th Global Edition of the World Leadership Congress & Awards in Mumbai. The recognition distinguishes Sarkar for being a leader who has made remarkable achievements with
AlgaEnergy will become exclusive worldwide distributor of Laboratoire M2 biocontrol products and will collaborate with the Quebec company’s scientists on new disease-control products for agriculture AlgaEnergy N.A. Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of Spain-based AlgaEnergy S.A. and a global leader in microalgae biotechnology, has signed global product distribution and product development agreements with Laboratoire M2
AlgaEnergy, a global leader in microalgae biotechnology, announced the addition of Hideki Ando as Japan country manager for agribusiness. Hideki will lead market expansion in Japan. Hideki has extensive experience in agribusiness in Japan and led business expansion at several innovative international companies as Japan country manager in recent years. He previously was sales